International Men's Day: Theme, Zero Male Suicide

International Men's Day: Theme, Zero Male Suicide

International Men's Day, celebrated on November 19th each year, is an occasion to recognize the positive contributions men make to society and to raise awareness about men's health issues. This year, a crucial theme takes center stage: "Zero Male Suicide." The focus on mental health and the imperative to encourage open dialogue about emotions and stressors among men is paramount.

In the pursuit of eliminating male suicide, the Dan Shieshie Foundation has played a pivotal role. Understanding the stigma often associated with men expressing vulnerability, the foundation has taken proactive steps to provide a supportive environment through their toll-free helpline, 1198. This helpline is not just a number; it's a lifeline for those grappling with mental health challenges.

Breaking the Silence: The theme of "Zero Male Suicide" emphasizes the urgency of breaking the silence surrounding men's mental health. Societal expectations and traditional gender norms have, for too long, discouraged men from openly discussing their feelings. This International Men's Day, the call is clear - it's time to shatter these stereotypes.

The Dan Shieshie Foundation recognizes that fostering an environment where men feel comfortable discussing their mental health is crucial. By encouraging open conversations, the foundation aims to dismantle the barriers preventing men from seeking help when they need it most.

The Toll-Free Helpline, 1198: At the forefront of the Dan Shieshie Foundation's commitment to mental health is the toll-free helpline, 1198. This helpline serves as a confidential and accessible space for men to share their feelings, stressors, and concerns. Trained professionals and counselors are available around the clock to offer support and guidance.

The foundation's emphasis on "Zero Male Suicide" extends beyond a mere slogan. It reflects a genuine dedication to saving lives by creating a platform for men to connect with mental health resources. The toll-free helpline is a testament to the foundation's commitment to reducing Gender-Based Violence, with mental health being a critical component of this broader effort.

Seeking Help is a Sign of Strength: International Men's Day serves as a reminder that seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a testament to one's strength. It takes courage to acknowledge struggles and reach out for support. The toll-free helpline, 1198, is there to ensure that no man faces his battles alone.

As we commemorate International Men's Day with the theme of "Zero Male Suicide," let us stand united in encouraging men to express their emotions, break free from societal expectations, and seek the help they deserve. The Dan Shieshie Foundation's helpline is a beacon of hope, reminding us that together, we can work towards a world where every man's mental health is valued and protected